Tag Archives: write hot sex

The sexy parts?

Writing sex scenes is not something everyone is comfortable with or even want to include in their books. A lot of fantasy (paranormal romances especially) have it, but some of them don’t. Too much sex gets boring, because no matter how well written or how many different position the lovers try we all know the mechanics of sex and most of the time it’s not relevant to the plot.

A solid advices to all you out there, that want to put words to the erotic parts of the love relationship – don’t call them penis and vagina (those are the clinical names for those parts.)

Try to stay away from hard member and hot folds too, (that’s just awkward and it’s not like trying to call them something more flimsy that makes it more romantic.) I would say go with something like cock and cunt (or pussy) they are clear, but still not clinical.


“He inserted his penis into her vagina.”(Textbook about how sex works, not the mood we want to set.)


“His hard member entered hot folds.”(Imagine two paragraphs about hot folds and hard members. It’s not fun after a while, but it might feel more tasteful?)


“He trusted his cock into her thigh pussy.”(Dirtier and to the point. We’re all on the same page, even though some might find this too pornographic.)

Still these are all ways of saying the same thing – but going on about folds and harnesses might feel less awkward but it most sounds a bit lame after a while we just want you to use the right words. Everyone knows your couple is having hot sex or making sweet love – whatever you want to call it.

Mix it up! Put some soft folds in here and there if that makes you more comfortable; but for the love of god don’t let it be awkward.  Give the readers hot sex or have the couple go into the bedroom, close the door and let us do the imagining. We don’t want half decedent sex described to us. We want amazing, mind-blowing sex that leaves us wanting more. If you can write that, then do it. If not, let characters have their fun privately – they probably know how it works. Most of the readers do, so I’m sure they won’t care too much if you spare them the details.

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Posted by on March 19, 2011 in Making love out of...words?


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